CV Heinrich Göbl

Last Update: 03-Apr-2024

Personal Details / Overview

Name:Heinrich Göbl Photo of Heinrich Göbl
Simsseestr. 427
Stephanskirchen, D 83071
Telephone:(please use mail)
Date of birth:1969
Experience with IT since:1993
  • 1995: graduated in computer sciences
  • 1998: Microsoft SQL Server Database Implementation
  • 2000: Oracle Certified Professional (SQL, PL/SQL)
  • 2001: Sun Certified Programmer for the JAVA 2 Platform
  • 2002: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML
  • 2003: Enterprise Connectivity with J2EE V1.3
  • 2004: Enterprise AppDev with WebSphere Studio, V5.0
  • 2004: IBM Certified Enterprise Developer
  • 2006: NLP-Practitioner, DVNLP
  • 2021: Domain Driven Design (3 days course)
Languages:English, Spanish
Key Skills: Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, ES6, HTML5, Node, Java, Android, SQL
Area of work: Architecture and project management, analysis and design, mentoring, programming, test, tuning, migration, code supervisor, DevOps


Platforms: HTML5-Browser, Node.js, Java 9+, J2EE/JEE, Java EE 5, 6, 7, Android, Spring, Linux, Windows, MacOS, Docker
Programming Languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, Java 9+, Kotlin, SQL, XML/XSLT, C/C++
Server Software: Node.js/Express, Loopback, nginx, Micro-Services, Spring Boot, Quarkus, GlassFish, WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat, Apache
Databases: ORACLE, DB2, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Cosmos DB, JPA 2, Hibernate, JDBC, MS SQL, SQLite, LDAP
Cloud: Microsoft Azure, AWS (Amazon Web Services), Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry
Communication: HTTP, AJAX, REST Services, OpenAPI, JSON, WebSockets, SOAP Web Services, JMS
GUI: Angular 17, Ionic 3, RxJS 6+, HTML5, CSS3, Material, Bootstrap, PrimeNG, Responsive, Android, BMW Density
Tools: IntelliJ, XCode, git, Eclipse, vi, Maven, Jenkins, Sonar, GIMP, Inkscape
Testing: Jasmine, Jest, Karma, JMeter, soapUI, JUnit, Mockito, Selenium, Wireshark
Security: TLS/SSL, OpenId, OIDC, OAuth2, passport.js, JWT, iptables Firewall, OWASP
Processes: Scrum, DDD (Domain-Driven Design), LESS, TDD, UML

Work experience

01/2024 - 06/2024:Health Insurance, Bonn/remote, freelance job
Single-Page Web-Application (SPA), Spring Boot Micro-Services
Responsive Design (integrated in a portal), fullstack-development (focused on frontend, UI/UX).
Web component for clerks to manage bonus programs.
Fullstack-Developer, Lead-Developer, UI/UX
Backend: Java 17, Spring Boot 3.2, Directus 10.8, REST/JSON, OpenAPI, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Jenkins, Docker, OpenShift
Frontend: Angular 17, TypeScript, RxJS 6+/Signals, SAP Fundamentals, HTML, SCSS/CSS, Jasmine

01/2022 - 12/2023:Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Single-Page Web-Applications (SPA), Quarkus Micro-Services
Responsive Design (desktop, tablet), fullstack-development (focused on frontend, UI/UX)
Fullstack-Developer, Lead-Developer, UI/UX
Backend: Java 17, Quarkus, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, REST/JSON, JAXB, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, AssertJ, Wiremock, swagger/OpenAPI, Jenkins, Github Actions, Docker, Kubernetes
Frontend: Angular 13-17, TypeScript, D3.js, RxJS 6+, BMW Density Design System, HTML, CSS, SVG, Jasmine, Selenium, Cypress

11/2019 - 12/2021:AGENDA Software, Rosenheim, regular employment
Single-Page Web-Applications (SPA) in the enterprise portal
Responsive Design (desktop, tablet, smartphone), fullstack-development, DDD (Domain-Driven Design)
Coding Architect, Lead-Developer
Backend: Java 11, JEE 8, GlassFish/Payara, MariaDB, JPA, REST/JSON, JAXB, Maven, JUnit, finAPI, swagger
Frontend: Angular 8-12, TypeScript, RxJS 6+, NGXS 3.6 (~ngrx), immer.js, Bootstrap 4, HTML, CSS, Node.js

03/2019 - 10/2019:Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Angular Single Page Application (Responsive Design) with REST/JSON backend.
Extranet-application for underwriters: create requests to get answers for medical questions.
Mobile internet-application for physicians and applicants for insurance: respond to medical questions.
Angular 7, TypeScript 3.3, RxJS 6, Angular Material 7, Bootstrap 4, Jest, CSS3, SASS, HTML5, REST/JSON, Swagger, Git, IntelliJ, Microsoft Azure, Cosmos DB, Microsoft DevOps

10/2018 - 02/2019:Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Intranet application for administration of risk model calculations. Angular Single Page Application (Responsive Design) with REST/JSON backend.
UX-Design, Development
Angular 7, TypeScript 3, RxJS 6, NGXS, Kendo UI, Karma, Jasmine, CSS3, SASS, HTML5, REST/JSON, Git, IntelliJ, Microsoft Azure, Cosmos DB

07/2018 - 09/2018:Internet, Munich, freelance job
SPA (Single-Page-App) Web-Application for managing online internet advertisement, frontend-programming ~75%, REST-API-server and batch-programming ~25%
UX-Design, Lead-Development, Coaching
Frontend: Angular 6, TypeScript 2.5, RxJS 6, HTML5, Bootstrap 4 + coreui, CSS3, SASS, karma, Jasmine, ng2-bootstrap, RxJS
Backend: Strongloop/IBM Loopback 3.0, REST/JSON, MongoDB/MySQL, TypeScript, JavaScript, ES6, Node.js 8, AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Batch: Java 10, Spring, Spring Boot 1.5, JPA, Maven, Google-APIs
Tools: angular-cli, webpack, Swagger, supertest, mocha, git, npm, IntelliJ

02/2018 - 06/2018:Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Intranet application for research and administration of commission payments. Angular Single Page Application (Responsive Design) with REST / JSON backend.
UX-Design, Lead-Development, Coaching
Angular 5, TypeScript 2.6, RxJS, Angular Material, CSS3, HTML5
Spring 4.3, Spring Boot 1.5, Java 8, JPA 2, Oracle, REST/JSON Git, Jenkins, IntelliJ, Cloud Foundry, Maven

10/2017 - 01/2018:Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Migration of 2 SPA (Single-Page-App) Web-Applications from JBoss (JEE, Hibernate) to Spring Boot (REST, JPA) in PCF Cloud Foundry, OAuth Authentication, JWT Validation, Cloudification, SSL with Client-Certificates, Hardening
Development, Coaching
Spring 4.3, Spring Boot 1.5, Java 8, JPA 2, Oracle, DB2, AngularJS 1.6, JavaScript (ES5), HTML5, CSS3, Git, Jenkins, IntelliJ, REST/JSON, Cloud Foundry, Maven

11/2016 - 09/2017:Internet, Munich, freelance job
SPA (Single-Page-App) Web-Application for managing online internet advertisement, frontend-programming ~75%, REST-API-server and batch-programming ~25%
UX-Design, Lead-Development, Coaching
Frontend: Angular 4, TypeScript 2.5, HTML5, Bootstrap 4 + coreui, CSS3, SASS, karma, Jasmine, ng2-bootstrap, RxJS
Backend: Strongloop/IBM Loopback 3.0, REST/JSON, MongoDB/MySQL, TypeScript, JavaScript, ES6, Node.js 6, AWS (Amazon Web Services)
Batch: Java 8, Spring, Spring Boot 1.5, JPA, Maven, Google-APIs
Tools: angular-cli, webpack, Swagger, supertest, mocha, git, npm, IntelliJ

10/2016:myWorkouts, Android/HTML5 Hybrid App
App for synchronization of sports activities with sport-portals
Angular 2, Ionic 2, TypeScript 2.0, RxJS, Android 4.1 - 7, Java, Cordova Plugin, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Material Design, ReST/JSON
Tools: IntelliJ, Android Studio, Gradle, Git, Linux/Mac, Ionic CLI

01/2016 - 09/2016:Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Web Development "Offer+Contract" Single-Page-Web-Application, Integration of 5 backend-systems (vehicle configurator, pricing services, financing services, order/contract-services, stock-vehicles)
AngularJS 1.5, TypeScript 1.8, HTML5, CSS3, less, karma, Jasmine
Swagger, ui-router, svn, IntelliJ, Gulp, Node.js, IE10/11, jQuery, Java

06/2015 - 03/2016:Startup, Munich, freelance job
Hybrid-App "" for iOS and Android, Single-Page Webapp (Admin-Frontend), RESTful API Server with Node.js
UX-Design, Development, UI
App (iOS, Android): Ionic 1.1, AngularJS 1.4, JavaScript, Cordova 5, ngCordova, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, D3, ui-router, PhysicsJS, div. Cordova Plugins
Admin-Webapp: AngularJS 1.4, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, less,, REST
Server: Node.js, Express/restify, PostgreSQL 9, Sequelize, lodash, Push (GCM, APN), memcache, Jasmine, bash-Scripts, Digital Ocean Cloud
Tools: git, IntelliJ, XCode, Grunt, Docker, nginx, Ubuntu Server, Jira, Scrum-but

10/2014 - 06/2015:Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Develop Responsive Webdesign for a vehicle configurator (mobile-first; Phone, Tablet, Desktop; iOS, Android, Windows Phone); refactoring and optimize code and styles; automate tests
AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, less, jQuery, karma, Jasmine
ui-router, ng-animate, git, IntelliJ, Modernizr, Grunt, Node.js, weinre, IScroll, jshint

11/2014:IT-Consulting, Munich, freelance job
1-Day-Workshop "Advanced AngularJS, Best Practices"
Speaker, Trainer
AngularJS 1.3, JavaScript

08/2014 - 09/2014:Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Preparation of a Push-Server delivering quotes for Web-clients (WebSockets, XHR), Programming Server and Client, Configuration, Optimization, Load-Testing, Going-Live
Development, DevOps
Java 7, Diffusion 5.1 (Push Technology), Jolokia, JMX
JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, Maven, Jenkins, bash, IntelliJ

05/2014 - 07/2014:Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Construction Loan (for bank employee)
Java 6, WebSphere 8, WebSphere Portal 8, DB2, JPA 2, JSF
PrimeFaces, Scrum, Maven, Mockito, JUnit, IntelliJ, JRebel

05/2013 - 02/2014:AGENDA Software, Rosenheim, regular employment
Single-Page Web-Application (SPA) for salaried employee (high-volume ~1 Mio. users)
Responsive Design, special implementation for smartphone and tablet/desktop, while reusing most of the code for both versions (MVC-Pattern). Load-testing of REST interface.
Coding Architect, Development
Server: Java 7, GlassFish, MySQL, JPA 2, REST, RSA-Verschlüsselung, Maven, JUnit, JMeter
Desktop/Tablet: Bootstrap 3, jQuery, Backbone.js, Grunt, JSHint, less, CSS3, AngularJS
Mobil: jQuery, jQuery Mobile 1.3, Backbone.js

05/2012 - 02/2014:AGENDA Software, Rosenheim, regular employment
Platform for Build, Continuous Integration, Code Quality, Unit- and Integration Testing, Continuous Delivery
Extensions to an Eclipse RAP application for tax consultants
Coding Architect, Development
Java 7, GlassFish 3, MySQL 5, JPA 2, REST (Jersey)
Maven, Jenkins, Sonar, Mockito, JUnit 4, flyway, JRebel, FindBugs, PMD, Checkstyle, artifactory, Eclipse BIRT, IntelliJ

since 2013 (free time):myWorkouts, Android Fitness App
Native Android App for tracking sports activities. Uses sensors für heart rate, bike cadence, temperature, geo-location, pressure. Synchronization with own server. In Google Play and Amazon App-Store since end of 2016
Single-Page-Web application (SPA) with RESTful backend.
App: Android 2.3 - 9, SQLite, ANT+, Java 6-8, Kotlin, Google-Play API, Mapsforge, ACRA
Server: Node.js, TypeScript, MongoDB, REST mit Express, JWT (JSON Web Token), OpenID, OAuth2, passport, nginx, monit/mp2, bunyan, SSL/letsencrypt, Redis
Web: Angular 7, AngularJS 1.5, TypeScript 3.x, D3.js v3 + v4, NVD3, Bootstrap 3, jQuery, Google Maps, Leaflet, OSM
Tools: IntelliJ, R, Android Studio, Grunt, webpack, Gradle, Git, Linux

since 08/2011 (free time):Open Source Projects,
Several tools and libraries for JavaScript and Java (see my public repositories)
Profile (aka. CV, Resume) generator for IT freelancers (multi-format, multi-language)
Presentation software with smartphone remote control
npm modules: doublemetaphone, entintar, mobile-detect, mobile-usage, mongodb-openvz-crashtest, nerdshow com.goebl:david-webb, com.goebl:simplify
JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, Express, Socket.IO, JSON, REST
Java, XML, XLST, XLST-FO, Maven, JUnit, Mockito, Leaflet
jQuery, jQuery Mobile, HTML5, CSS3, Markdown
IntelliJ, Git, Github, Grunt, less, Linux

06/2012:Java Usergroup Munich, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB (Talk)
Node.js, JavaScript,, jshint, MongoDB

02/2012 - 04/2012:Automotive, Munich, freelance job
BMWi Icebreaker-Team (Co-Working)
Basework for a Multi-Channel, Multi-Language, Multi-Tenant JEE Web/Mobile Application (Architecture, Build/CI, Testing, Documentation, SCRUM, Tools)
Coding Architect, Development
Maven, Jenkins, Sonar, Mockito, JUnit, flyway, IntelliJ, JRebel

05/2011 - 12/2011:Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Vehicle Configurator Web Application
Further treatment, providing Registration process, Self-service for users, mail delivery, integration with SSO. Modularization of JavaScript, optimize performance, Selenium tests
Coding Architect, Web-Development, Nearshore Supervision
Server: Java 6, Oracle 11g, GlassFish, EJB 3, JPA, JAX-RS, JAX-WS
Client: JSF 2, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery
Tools: Selenium, Maven, Jenkins, IntelliJ, JUnit, Mockito

02/2011 - 05/2011:Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Business Services with RESTful API and JavaScript API
Performance Optimization Dealer-Locator, Extension of RESTful API and JavaScript API for Dealer-Locator and Park-Info, Extension of RESTful API for User Registration and -Management
Development, Performance Test and Optimization
Server: Java 5, Oracle 11g, GlassFish, EJB 3, JPA, JAX-RS, JAXB
Client: JavaScript, jQuery, Google Maps API, JSUnit
Tools: soapUI, curl, FireBug, JSLint, yui-compress, Maven, Jenkins, JUnit, Mockito

02/2010 - 05/2011:Automotive, Munich, freelance job
Teleservice Switchboard (Telediagnosis, Teleprogramming) Architecture, Design, Programming, Test, 3rd-Level-Support
Migrating WebLogic 8 to 10, EJB 2.1 to 3.0, Latin1 to UTF-8, Migration Oracle 10 to 11 with charset ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8, Infrastructure for Loadtests (Simulation of Vehicle communication), Code- and Design Reviews and Coaching
Coding Architect, Development, Test
Java 5, Oracle 11g, WebLogic 10g, WebSphere MQ, EJB 3, LDAP, JPA, JSF, MyFaces, ajax4jsf, jQuery, JAX-WS, JAXB, JMS, XSLT, ant, Mockito, PL/SQL, soapUI

since 2010 (free time):Miscellaneous, (for own usage and friends)
Installation, configuration, maintenance of Linux root servers,,,,,
Development, Administration
Debian GNU/Linux, Apache2, PHP, MySQL, iptables, AutoMySQLBackup, rsync, rsnapshot, VirtualBox, rkhunter, fail2ban, denyhosts, Postfix, SpamAssassin, Amavis, Roundcube, OpenSSL, DokuWiki, WordPress, Joomla!, Bootstrap 3, less, Grunt,, metalsmith, Node.js, Handlebars, Git, IntelliJ, vi

11/2008 - 11/2009:Telecommunication, Munich, freelance job
WebService-Interface to German Telekom (BL-W v16.0 ADSA)
WebService-Interface to German Telekom (WITA 2.0)
Administration frontend (Wicket Web-Application)
Coding Architect, Development, Test
Java 5, Tomcat 5, Spring 2, Spring-WS, Hibernate, JAXB, JUnit, WS-Security, ant, XML/XSLT, DB2, RSA

11/2006 - 07/2008:Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Development of a Multi-Channel-Application (Swing, HTML, WebServices) for Credit Card Management.
Connectivity to Legacy COBOL Application on IMS-DB; Migration to DB2 and Java. XML-Schema-Design.
Project Management, Development
J2EE, Java, Apache Tomcat, Solaris, WebServices, Axis2
DB2, JDBC, XML/XSLT, LDAP, Apache JMeter, Ant, cruisecontrol, WSDL, XSD, Rational Software Architect, Eclipse, CVS, SVN, findbugs

01/2005 - 11/2006:Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Information Portal for >100.000 User (Cluster with 36 Instanzen)
Embedding of Notes Databases, LDAP Integration, Portlet-Programming, Load- and Performancetests, Themes & Skins
Architecture, Development, Project Management
J2EE, Java, WebSphere Portal 5, JSP, WebSphere 5, Solaris DB2, XML/XSLT, JavaScript, AJAX, LDAP, Apache httpd, Security, SSO, Spring, Lotus Domino, XML Access, Hibernate, JMeter, Perl, IBM WSAD

10/2003 - 07/2004:Finance Services, Munich, freelance job
Web-enabling of a corebanking-system (MBS open) and integration of various back-end systems.
Architecture, Framework Design, Implementation
J2EE, Java, EJB, JSP, HTML, CSS, Apache Struts, IBM WebSphere 5, Bea WebLogic, DB2, XML/XSLT, SCHUFA SCDI, ant, IBM WSAD, JBoss

07/2001 - 01/2003:Insurance Company, Munich, freelance job
Integration und optimization of a systems which provides config management, software packaging and distribution for 40.000 users
Architecture, Project Management, Development, Test
Java, Oracle 8i, Swing, Apache Velocity, XML, JSP, EJB, WebSphere 4